1. FAQs
  2. PreCardix®
  3. Research and Efficacy

What is the anticipated blood pressure effect patients can expect with the use of PreCardix®?

The clinically validated ACE inhibiting effect of PreCardix® bioactive marine peptides on blood pressure health is comparable to pharmaceutical ACE inhibitors. In the clinical trial, 89% of participants experienced a significant effect on their blood pressure health within eight weeks without significant side effects. Compared to baseline blood pressure, the average reduction in systolic blood pressure was 6.7 mmHg, and 1.7 mmHg in diastolic blood pressure within 8 weeks¹. 43% of participants had a systolic blood pressure improvement over 10 mmHg, and 24% improved over 15 mmHg in systolic blood pressure. 

To learn more about what to expect when you start taking PreCardix®, and for best results, please visit us here. 

Always consult with your health care provider before making changes to your blood pressure management plan. PreCardix® does not treat, cure or prevent medical conditions. Measure and monitor blood pressure regularly. Know the signs of heart attack and stroke. Do not take PreCardix® if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have renal artery stenosis, history of angioneurotic edema or shellfish allergy.

¹ Musa-Veloso K, Paulionis L, Pelipyagina T, Evans M. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicentre Trial of the Effects of a Shrimp Protein Hydrolysate on Blood Pressure. Int J Hypertens. 2019;2019:2345042. Published 2019 Aug 5. doi:10.1155/2019/2345042. Ref. table 4.