1. FAQs
  2. PreCardix®
  3. Side Effects and Contraindications

Why is my blood pressure rising after starting PreCardix®?

It's important to consider various factors that may influence blood pressure readings, including time of day when you measure your blood pressure as blood pressure can fluctuate during the day. Factors that can affect blood pressure include caffeine and alcohol intake, smoking, exercise and stress levels. 

To ensure accurate blood pressure readings, avoid smoking, caffeine, alcohol, and exercise 30 minutes before measurement. If feeling anxious or in pain, wait until those feelings have passed. Empty your bladder and sit comfortably in a supported chair with feet firmly planted on the ground.

Keep in mind that blood pressure is an average, and a single high reading is less significant than the overall average.

For the most accurate results, it is recommended to take two separate readings one minute apart, in the morning and evening. PreCardix® has been designed to be taken consistently for at least 8 weeks to achieve optimal results, and it should be continued to maintain those results.