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PreCardix® cost

PreCardix® is a safe and effective non-prescription natural health product for healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular health. PreCardix® contains unique bioactive marine peptides that have been found in peer-reviewed clinical trials to have a statistically significant effect on blood pressure health. The clinical documentation was prepared by a third party clinical research organization (CRO) in accordance with clinical research standards governed by ethics review committes and process in Europe and North America.

PreCardix® is the result of over a decade of research and multi-million dollar investment conducted in partership between the University of Tromso Norway and the R&D Institute Norfima and Marealis Health Inc. PreCardix®'s unique refined shrimp peptide concentrate (Marealis RSPC) is derived from the proteins of fresh, cold water Arctic prawns (Pandalus Borealis) through a controlled enzymatic hydrolysis process. Enzymatic hydrolysis breaks down larger protein chains into smaller, peptide chains. These peptide chains are further refined into Marealis RSPC through a proprietary process resulting in a clinically proven bioactive peptide with an ACE inhibiting action.

Our current pricing supports on-going quality and future R&D. Learn more about the clinical research by visiting our website here

Always consult with your health care provider before making any changes to your blood pressure management plan.