1. FAQs
  2. PreCardix®
  3. Dosing and Administration

Does PreCardix® need to be taken in the morning and between meals?

In clinical trials, participants took two tablets of PreCardix® together, in between meals and in the morning.

89% of participants experienced a significant effect on their blood pressure within 8 weeks. This is the reason we advise taking two tablets of PreCardix® (1200mg) together once daily, preferably away from food. Allow 8 weeks (2 packs) to achieve results. Continue to take daily to maintain results. Blood pressure may rise to pre-treatment levels if it is discontinued. 

To learn more about what to expect when you start taking PreCardix®, and for best results, please visit us here

Always consult with your health care provider before making changes to your blood pressure management plan. PreCardix® does not treat, cure or prevent medical conditions.  Measure and monitor blood pressure regularly. Know the signs of heart attack and stroke. Do not take PreCardix® if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have renal artery stenosis, history of angioneurotic edema or shellfish allergy.